SEO Company London

SEO services London, SEO Agency London, SEO Company London

SEO services London

What do you need to capture the interest of the audience located at different nooks and corners of the world? The answer is simple, but its achievement is not. One would need support in the digital domain in terms of the most fruitful SEO services London and website designing and development. KoolDox is making it big in the industry and providing the required push to the needful companies so that they can engage a larger audience to their business. But, attracting the market is not as easy as it seems. It requires expertise in the field and knowledge about the services that works wonder in the field of digital marketing. If you are business which is trying to get ahead of the competitors and attain undivided attention of the customers you serve, getting in touch with a leading SEO Agency London will be considered a smart choice. Our services are economical, flexible and effective that will make you achieve your target goals in the shortest period. Our team personalises the SEO services that are served to the clients according to their domain, years of establishment and various other related factors.

SEO services London

What Is All The Buzz Around Search Engines?

If you own a smartphone and have a working internet connection, you must be making the use of Search Engines every once in a while. They are the spaces on the internet which offers a ‘Search bar’ to the users to look for anything they wish for. In response, the search engine displays a long list of results that match the query. The user then has to pick the option that suits him/her the most. The results are displayed on the pages referred to as Search Engine Result Pages. Usually, the user does not go through more than two pages as the results are displayed according to the relevancy and the most pertinent items are displayed at the top.Now, you must be wondering how this all is related to the companies. People generally use the search engines to look for the products they want, such as clothes, groceries or services such as Medical, teaching, etc. The results that are reverted to such queries is the list of businesses offering the searched items. The better the positioning of the business on the Search Engine Result Pages, the improved chances it has to cater to the needs of the people. Hence, the companies worry about their rankings a lot and SEO Service London provided by agencies like us help them to attain a better positioning in the SERPs.
SEO services London

On What Factors Does The Search Engines Rank The Websites?

It is a big secret that what makes the Search Engines position one website above others for the same keywords. Many companies and experts in the field have tried to decode the factors behind their marking, but no has been able to fully unveil the same. Hence, no SEO Agency London claims to place their clients at the first rank. If you ever meet any agency claiming the same, know that they are frauds. Search Engine Optimization can help in improving the rankings but making an assurance of the same is impossible. However, KoolDox has summed up three essential points that can make the positioning better.


The users of the Internet are always awake and looking for the products and services 24*7. The words and phrases they type in the search bar of the Search Engines to derive the required results are known as keywords. These keywords shall be placed smartly and in the requisite amount inside the content of the website. So, whenever the search or query of those products or services will be made, the name of the website will pop up in the results. However, overuse and underuse of the keywords is a negative sign and shall be restrained.


The quality of the content is a major factor behind its ranking over the internet. One cannot think of getting ahead of the competitors with the bog-standard or copied content. The website shall contain original, engaging and informative content that is useful for the rankings and retaining the concentration of the customers. Adding plagiarised or irrelevant content on the website just to increase the quantity will prove to be a failing idea. Hence, it is suggested to hire a professional SEO Company London who has creative writers under it and can write unique and related content for the website.


The structure of the website is its backbone. No matter how brilliantly you use the keywords or how much innovative your content is if the structure of the website will not be dependable, it will not rank. The search engines perform a full-quality check of the website and the one with lose structure will go down the rankings. Hence, our focus is also on maintaining the quality of the website by designing and developing it in a reliable and effective way. Codings, loading speed and error pages are paid focus and the mistakes are improved so that the company claims the desired position on the Internet.
SEO services London

What SEO Process Do We Follow?

Every SEO Company London has a different approach to the domain of digital marketing. Our clients have praised our services, every now and then. We follow a customised and idiosyncratic approach for attaining the requisite position in the market and the steps can be mentioned as follows:

Project Discussion

Every client has a diverse requirement and deals in a different domain. Just like a key doesn’t fit in every lock, same services do not complement every company. Hence, our team sits with the clients and try to know about it as much as possible. This information is used in the later steps.

Market Study

By discussions and conversations, one only knows what is told. But, to provide the most esteemed SEO services London, a company needs to acquire more knowledge and with a different perspective. The market study is done to know about the audiences and their recent choices. This information is very useful for making the best plans and strategies.

Competitor Analysis

The competitors are the realtime evils who can be real trouble. We study the reports and tactics of the competitors in your domain who are performing better than you to analyse the strategies that worked for them in gaining the attention and platform they are seen at.

Personalised Services

The bits and pieces of information that have been gained until the previous step help in deriving the tailor-made set of services that will fit the needs of the clients. These services are customised in accordance with the information gained and thus, it beats the quality of services that have been provided by others.


Once the services are provided and the website is worked upon, it starts to show some positive results. However, SEO is a time-consuming process and one cannot think of getting instant results with the use of these services. But, a little positive change can be expected. Here, at KoolDox, we keep a track of the progress made under a specific period of time.


The tracking of the data and growth at the rankings of Search Engine Result Pages is done to show the clients the efficiency of the services they have been offered. Our clients go merry after witnessing the signs of growth and improvement in their positions in the market and claim that the quality of our work beats the rest.

Why Shall You Deal With Us?

The project of any client is like a child to them which needs to be taken proper care of. The team of KoolDox understand this really well and weave the best services to make it position at a better platform. You need to trust us because we have a history of making our clients happy with the SEO services we perform. Also, we are the leaders in the domain who have been working day and night to make the projects shine brighter in the sky of the internet.
Being an old player in the field, we stand out from the crowd and reckoned as the most reputed SEO Company London. Our powerful team possess the highest skills which can offer your website with better visibility and rankings on the Internet. Another benefit of working with us is the advantage of transparency, that is very much missing in this world of frauds and scammers. All the payment plans and schemes will be discussed with the clients beforehand and no unnecessary additional charges will be introduced later unless any additional service is been provided. Hence, there are multiple reasons to fix a deal with us and if you wish to receive the most unprecedented SEO services to help your business grow manifolds, fix an appointment with us. You can get in touch with us over a call, or mail. We are sure that you will not be disappointed with the quality of the outcomes we produce.
SEO services London